Curbing China’s output of greenhouse gas will do more than any anything else to decide the fate of the planet.

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  • The world’s top five polluters were responsible for 60% of global emissions in 2019.
    • China alone generated about the same amount of CO2 as the next four countries combined. And its carbon output is still rising every year.
  • China’s emissions are so vast that its biggest companies, few of which are household names, create more pollution than entire nations.
    • China Baowu, the world’s top steelmaker, put more CO2 into the atmosphere last year than Pakistan.
  • Take state-owned oil giant Sinopec Group. One of its subsidiaries, China Petroleum & Chemical, contributed more to global warming last year than Canada, itself an emissions heavyweight with the 11th-most CO2 among nations.
  • China’s biggest companies have more sway over warming temperatures than most countries. Yet little is known about the emissions from these state-run giants.
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