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Tag: Green Hydrogen

Hydrogen generated without the use of fossil fuels, usually from water and renewable energy.

BC-based courier company Geazone Eco-Couriers has ordered 40 fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV)

Geazone Eco-Couriers fleet of Toyota Mirai fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV)

Geazone Eco-Couriers claims to be “North America’s first hydrogen-powered courier fleet.”

Geazone is a British Columbia (BC)-based courier company that provides delivery services, third party logistics and freight services to businesses and customers across Vancouver Island and Vancouver.

The 40 Toyota Mirai fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) they ordered are powered by hydrogen. The press release did not specify if Gearzone will be using Blue (ie. made with fossil fuels) or Green Hydrogen, which is much more difficult to source.

Geazone received rebates from the BC’s CleanBC Go Electric Hydrogen Fleet program, which offers fleet operators $8,000 to a maximum of 35% of selling price for the purchase of an FCEV to help B.C. businesses reduce emissions.

Hydrogen BC, the association championing British Columbia’s hydrogen industry, welcomes the announcement.

There are only four hydrogen fuelling stations in BC, with ‘several’ more planned. And that is a major problem for fuel cell electric vehicles. There is simply no infrastructure to support these vehicles. For example, California is the only US state where one can purchase a Toyota Mirai as there are not enough hydrogen fuelling stations in the rest of the US.

FCEV should be part of the solution to cleaning up the environment. At the moment they simply are not.

It cannot be ignored that Toyota is actively lobbying against the switch to zero emission vehicles (ZEV).

Canadian Pacific has secured a $15m grant to expand its Hydrogen Locomotive Program

This 50/50 grant will go towards expanding CP’s number of hydrogen locomotive conversions from one to three.

Canadian Pacific announced it is expanding its Hydrogen Locomotive Program with a $15 million grant from Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA).

The 50/50 matching grant enables CP to increase the number of hydrogen locomotive conversions in the project from one to three and add hydrogen production and fuelling facilities. The ERA grant builds on the $15 million CP already planned to invest in the development project in 2021.

In December 2020, CP announced it would design and build North America’s first line-haul hydrogen-powered locomotive using fuel cells and batteries to power the locomotive’s electric traction motors.

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Daimler Truck and BP to deploy 25 ‘green’ hydrogen refuelling stations across the UK by 2030

Daimler Truck AG and BP Advanced Mobility Limited announced plans to work together to introduce a hydrogen network, supporting the decarbonization of UK freight transport. They intend to pilot both the development of hydrogen infrastructure and the introduction of hydrogen-powered fuel-cell trucks in the UK.

Under their memorandum of understanding (MoU), BP will assess the feasibility of designing, constructing, operating and supplying a network of up to 25 hydrogen refuelling stations across the UK by 2030.

These stations would be supplied by BP with ‘green’ hydrogen – generated from water using renewable energy. Complementing this, Daimler Truck expects to deliver hydrogen-powered fuel-cell trucks to its UK customers from 2025.

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Green Hydrogen vs Blue Hydrogen » UN urges policymakers to beware fossil fuel ‘vested’ interests

Cecilia Keating, Business Green 🔒 »

UN backs green hydrogen as it publishes seven principles designed to guide policymakers’ and business leaders’ approach to scaling the low carbon fuel

The UN has warned policymakers to beware “vested” fossil fuel interests when drawing up plans to deploy hydrogen fuel to help decarbonise various industries, arguing that it remains unclear whether ‘blue’ hydrogen produced using fossil gas and carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology can be made compatible with global climate goals.

In a set of Hydrogen Principles designed to establish best practice on hydrogen for government and businesses, the green NGOs, experts, and and energy policy specialists that form the UN Marrakesh Partnership warned that ‘green’ hydrogen produced using clean power, electrolysis, and water is the only hydrogen production pathway “strictly aligned” with a “reliably 1.5C energy sector pathway”.

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