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Category: Regulation (Page 2 of 5)

SEMA supports ZEV conversion government rebates in California

California State Senator Anthony J. Portantino (D-Burbank) introduced Senate Bill 301 on Friday, a bill supported by the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA), to create a financial rebate program for converting gas and diesel-powered motor vehicles into zero-emissions-vehicles (ZEVs). The legislation will allow California to support small businesses and maintain its rich car culture, while assisting consumers that want to convert their vehicles to cleaner engines.

SEMA is sponsoring the legislation, embracing the innovation of the auto industry as it works to make ZEV ownership more accessible following a similar bill introduced last year that passed in the Assembly with zero opposition.

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Uber, Lyft must only operate EVs in the NYC by 2030

During New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ Second State of the City Address, he announced that ride-hailing companies like Lyft and Uber, must only operate EVs in the NYC by 2030.

Today, we are announcing that Uber and Lyft will be required to have a zero-emissions fleet by 2030. That’s zero emissions for over 100,000 vehicles on our city streets. And it will be achieved with no new costs for individual drivers. We’re pleased that both companies are embracing this shift, and we look forward to working with them to get it done. We’re also encouraging New Yorkers who drive to make the switch to electric vehicles as well, adding charging stations in all five boroughs.

Our commitment to improving the environment and fighting climate change means reinventing our energy sector across the board. New York will continue to lead the way to our clean-energy future by becoming the wind power hub of the Eastern seaboard. The South Brooklyn Marine Terminal will soon become one of the largest offshore wind port facilities in the nation. This will create jobs and help New York City meet our goal of 100-percent clean electricity by 2040.

That part of the address begins at about 1h:10m into the video »

Britain for the second time this year, slashes EV subsidies

Bloomberg »

The U.K. is reducing electric vehicle grants, the second cut in nine months, as the government looks to rein in spending.

From Wednesday, drivers in Britain can expect grants of as much as 1,500 pounds ($1,987) on cars that cost less than 32,000 pounds, the Department for Transport said, with about 20 models continuing to receive subsidies. The change means the incentive has now been halved in the space of less than a year.

The decision will make funding to go further and allow more people to make the switch to EVs after sticker prices have come down, the government said. The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders said lowering the cap is a setback to the country’s plans to phase out internal combustion powered cars by 2030.

US’ Build Back Better incentives for EVs built by union factories at risk

Bloomberg »

A Biden-backed proposal to give an extra tax break for the purchase of electric cars made in the U.S. with union workers will undergo a review by the Senate parliamentarian who will determine whether it qualifies under budget rules to move as part of President Joe Biden’s nearly $2 trillion economic package.

The plan to offer $4,500 more in tax credits to consumers who buy those vehicles has drawn vehement opposition from a variety of people, including Tesla Inc. Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk, Senator Joe Manchin and trade officials in Canada, Mexico and the European Union.

But their lobbying may be unnecessary if the office of Elizabeth MacDonough, the parliamentarian, concludes it doesn’t mesh with budget rules. Her office will review the electric vehicle provisions along with other tax credits contained in a $1.75 trillion spending bill passed by the House and now under consideration in the Senate. Lawmakers are using a budget reconciliation procedure that shields the measure from a filibuster but requires 50 votes in the Senate.

Democrats may have to go back the drawing board or scuttle the measure all together if she decides that it violates the so-called Byrd Rule, which prohibits the use of budget reconciliation to advance policy changes with “merely incidental” budgetary impacts.

Canadian Environment Minister to mandate auto dealers sell more EVs by the end of 2022

 Mia Rabson / Canada Press »

Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault says he wants a national mandate that would force auto dealers to sell a certain number of electric vehicles to be in place by the end of next year.

Road transportation accounts for one-fifth of Canada’s total greenhouse-gas emissions. As Canada charts a path to net zero by 2050, eliminating carbon dioxide from passenger cars is a big part of the process.

The federal government wants half of all new passenger cars sold in Canada to be zero-emission vehicles by 2030, and reach 100 per cent by 2035.

Canadians bought more electric vehicles in the last two years than the previous eight combined, but still only three per cent of new cars registered were battery-electric or plug-in hybrids.

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